The first weekend of August, my wife, Susie and I went to Sea World
of San Antonio with our son Mike and his family. It was the last free
weekend before school starts (so early!) and Mike had gotten a ‘behind the
scenes’ trip to swim with the beluga whales for his 38th birthday.
The weekend was spent watching the shows, riding the rides, standing
inline, etc. The standard theme park trip. We all enjoyed the trip and I
was impressed with the Orcas and am still pondering how much power is put
into their tail flippers, what a vortex those tiny triangular tails must
This article has
to do with the very end of the trip. Sunday afternoon found us at the
Water Park area, big wave pool, smaller wading pools, water slides and the
like. Having done all the stuff we were going to do I was one of the first
to finish changing to dry clothes and was lounging around outside the
changing/restroom area and noticed a little yellow dinghy leaning against
the wall of the changing area, part of the decorations. For such a short,
fat little boat it was pretty shapely and fair, I particularly admired the
shape of the bow. With some time to kill, I walked over to take a closer
look. As I got closer and saw the cross section of the gunnel, I thought,
“ No, it can’t be”. Looking inside, yes it was, this was a boat I had
designed and built 15 years ago. The give a way was the interior
still natural finish, with the tubular fore and aft seat/floatation
chamber and laminated Spanish cedar transom. Truly a one of a kind boat.
I had traded the boat to a now defunct watersport shop in Kemah back in
1989 (I think) for some paddles and lifejackets. How and when the little
minidingy made the trip halfway down the Gulf Coast I don’t have a clue,
but would love to know. I’ve written Seaworld to ask them if they can shed
any light on the journey, Time will tell if there’s more to be learned.
Seeing an old boat of mine in such unexpected circumstances certainly made
it a memorable end to a pleasant trip.
Having started down memory lane, I finally drug out my stash of old 5 ¼”
floppies and an old 5 ¼” drive that I had kept to finally determine how
many boats littered my past. I had remembered when I saw the boat, its
principal dimensions (88” LOA, 44” beam, and 22” o/a depth). I also
remembered the hassles of building such a short, fat boat, but didn’t
remember exactly why I had built a boat I didn’t have any use for. Looking
back, minidinghy was Number 7 out of about 37 so far (I’ve only built
about 14 or so, helped with some of the others). The problem was Number 6.
Number 6 was a dinghy design I had done for a fellow who had grand plans
to build dinghies from scrap Mahogany, sell them and make a lot of money.
The idea was to build some prototypes and show them at the 1988 Houston
Boat Show. Unfortunately, the prototypes were being built by day laborers,
and it showed. I was more than a little embarrassed and decided to build
as small a boat as reasonable for some use and fairly extreme in shape
just to show that it could be done.

Minidinghy’s shape was a simple 1:2:4 ratio; the length (88”)
derived from how far an 8-foot strip of cedar would go. In order to build
the boat without staples, the strips were strapped to the form with
monofilament fishing line instead of the rubberbands I usually use on
canoes and kayaks. Since it eventually took about a mile of monofilament
for a 7 foot long boat I mentally christened the boat (or maybe it was the
effort) ‘monomania’.
the absolute serendipity of coming across an old friend in unexpected
circumstances, the experience led me to reflect on what I would do today
to build such a boat. First, I don’t think such a boat is likely any time
soon since I don’t have any need or use for such a boat. But if I did I
would probably build it out of 12mm foam (klegecell) with biaxial cloth
inside and out. The foam would go down over the formwork quick and easy
and the finished boat would be a buoyant, shippy little boat ideal for one
or two people. My first thought about another wood stripper was no, its
too much work, unless maybe I used staples. But I’ve never used
before and taking them out would be a pain. Then again, I’ve got miles of
8-foot mahogany bead and cove strips (
and if the strips were pre tapered the boat would go together pretty
quickly and would be absolutely magnificent, for a 7-foot boat.
Enough, never mind. There are plenty of boats in the pipeline. I’m down to
one paddle boat, the ‘Bionic Log’, now and really need (?) a replacement
for the 14 foot solo canoe I recently sold after almost a dozen years of
regular use. The log weighs in at about 37 pounds, not too heavy, but it’s
a beast to carry, and a new 12 foot solo canoe would weigh in at about
20-24 pounds and be really easy to carry down to the creek, and more
importantly, back up. Plus, it would serve as a test bed for playing
around with sail rigs and maybe some pedal power (again). A tale for
another day. |