Cheap Passagemaking under Sail
Myth or Real Possibility?
by Jeff Gilbert
1. Re-size your thinking
(or An Ode to the Middle Size Yacht)
The most frequently asked question I encounter
over the little catamaran Hot
Chili I designed is “Can I travel Offshore”
and the answer to that is invariably “She’d usually
be fine, but she’s not designed for the worst of it. For
that you need to spend a bit more on a bigger boat”. But
the fact that some boats are just too small for a combination
of safety and comfort on passage does not imply that bigger
and bigger is better and better. In ocean boat sizing, not much
increase is needed before you have more boat than you can handle
– many good drivers would not go near a semi-trailer.
The sheer horsepower thrumming through a 40-footers rig can
be terrifying, and the forces at play on such running rigging
can turn your cockpit from an imagined place of pleasure to
something akin to a sawmill. The level of complication rises
with the forces, ie rapidly, and if a yacht can’t be single-handed
one needs two, but one also needs rest, so immediately you need
five, two crews and a spare/cook. Three people on a single handler
will achieve more rest and harmony, and here we see a natural
pointer to middle sized boat. The only other crew should be
Audrey the Autopilot or Wanda the Wind-vane – self steering
mechanisms should have names as they do more work than any person
aboard, and assist your passage in an almost human way. They
even steer like errant humans, over correcting constantly! Self-steering
is a safety issue - attempting to steer a whole passage can
be literally deadly.

7ton Lyle Hess Bristol Channel
Cutter 29’9‘ LOD.
The greatest midsize passagemaker?
There are natural upper limits on yacht size.
The biggest sailing yacht in the world, Mirrabella V, who just
had her 300 ft, 42 ton mast stepped, approaches the stress limits
the best construction materials known can handle. Stepping down,
the Multihulls for THE RACE are arguing that a 120 ft hull at
speed may be too long for ocean wave patterns. But in the world
of the wage/salary earner, those fine humans who work hard but
cant come at being anyone’s “boss”, cost is
the upper limiting factor. Can an ocean crossing be afforded
by such people? As one of them I think its possible but not
easy, but I also believe there are so many solutions to the
problem that it will take me several of these articles to touch
on them. Furthermore if you have the whole range of possibilities
laid out, one of them is more likely to fall into place for
you. However I say its not easy because while the cost can be
curtailed, it can never be cheap because in this scenario if
we ain’t safe we ain’t going! One cannot achieve
the ratio of igloo to a conventional house out on the heaving
ocean, the most unfamiliar and hostile environment of all.
So you say, you need a strong safe middle sized
boat, and that still costs a bomb to get ocean ready. Throwing
bank money at the problem is just Jim Dandy, and works every
time, but who wants to take off with the albatross of debt around
their neck. So you need money for the boat, and you haven’t
got it. So you wait. You wait till you are about to retire,
and you retire as early as you can. You move to a cheaper area
and trade down to a cheaper house, ditching any mortgages. This
gives you a year’s salary (before tax) to spend on your
boat. This amount feels OK. Its an amount that sits okay. It
may not be enough but after slaving for what little you have
you simply cant come at more. You need to be able to live with
the total loss of that amount. You are unlikely to, but you
need to be ready to. So lets say that leaves us with 40 k US,
of which we would only spend 2/3 on the boat, or less depending
on its state of ocean readiness.
There are other ways to earn the money on a salary.
Saving hard is out of the question. You’ll do it so hard
you won’t want to spend the money even if you do put it
together. You can trade up to a bigger home and gain equity,
you can buy land in an out of the way place. But I think the
simplest is in the word itself, learn to live simply.
Ignore advertising and what others want and consume only wht
you need. If you consider wealth as the measure of what you
can do without, and that includes this boat itself, you might
just get it. It means waiting, it means not having more than
a canoe in the meantime, it means cups of tea on a beer income.
It means catching the bus if you are being ripped off for parking.
It means recognising that there are too many motorcars in the
world, therefore you can get a reliable one cheap. Use these
things. Stick to your job , youll enjoy it more once you’ve
stopped watching adverts. Pour the little excess into higher
super payments or your mortgage and you may just step into retirement
with enough for a real reward. By this time living simply, not
to be confused with being a miser or a wowser in a miserly manner,
will also enable you to enjoy retirement without having to go
back to work to make ends meet. Evey hobby and pastime has a
cheaper and more satisfying equivalent. Exercise your mind instead
of your wallet. Few movies are better than a book, and libraries
are still free. (how did they miss that one!!?).
Bullshit you say, in reality it can’t be
done. Sorry but it can. Ten years ago I decided I could cook
better than most restaurants, and haven’t eaten out since.
I wouldn’t have a clue how much its saved, many people
have enjoyed a feed at my place, and I don’t need a credit
card. But best of all, living simply and waging mild war on
rampant consumerism will enable you to enjoy your cruising.
If your hobby is shopping, and you are hooked on consumer goods,
you’ll never afford a yacht, and even if you do get one
for $79,999 and no payments till Easter, you’d probably
dive overboard and swim for the nearest Macy’s. (Note
that the consumer bullshit has even extended to DIY. If repairing
your boat, don’t use shops to figure it out. They don’t
know and don’t care. Use the computer, email or library
to do the research, use the phone to do the legwork, and make
a rapid stop to fill your list. Or they’ll get you!! You’ll
come home with a 4-speed chisel-sharpening router for sure)
This sort of money, a years pay, pretty well precludes
a new boat, but much can be learned from boat shows nonetheless.
The first thing you’ll notice at the boat show, is that
you are at the wrong address for minimalist cruisers. For showing
off high-speed power turns, for entertaining gregariously at
the Marina, you have come to the right place. Few of the boats
look real keen on a hard days work. Nevertheless one thing you
will see is that there is a sudden violent rise in price somewhere
around the 8 to 9 meter mark. This is the point where boats
get really serious, and this is where your second hand bargains
really lie. At around twenty eight to thirty feet there are
many many second hand boats to be had at the right price –simply
because they are not long enough on deck to impress the punter
as real “blue water” jobs. They are frequently underpriced
as though the owner were apologising for the fact that they
have not attained the magic 10 meter mark – some unwritten
errant rule has convinced many that this is the smallest safe
cruising size. A weight of 5 tons would be a better if one insists
on a single measure. However the truth is a proper 29er can
make brilliant passages, and a well set up and designed one
can provide the lot. Seven knot cruising speed, full headroom,
comfortable motion, ghosting ability, incredibly economic motoring,
ample load carrying, shoal draught, good tracking, easy sail
handling, a safe cockpit, a head, a chart table and galley,
and safety. The basis of this is not too many berths. A few,
a very few, have achieved fame for this Tardis-like demeanor,
the most notable being the Lyle Hess Bristol Channel Cutter
and the Laurent Giles Wanderer Series, the latter made famous
by the documented journeys therein of the gentle natured Hiscocks.
Eric mentions casually of an Atlantic crossing “the distances
made good during those (first) 3 weeks were 558, 661 and 880
miles, nothing very remarkable”. I beg to differ.

Teak 9 ton 29’8”
Laurent Giles “Wanderer”Class –
fame has raised the price
If one can make 80 percent of the Atlantic in
3 weeks, why would one need a bigger yacht than Wanderer’s
29 feet. You certainly wouldn’t pay for it by working
the days you saved on faster passage!
Though fame has boosted the cost of these yachts
out of the price range we discuss, the same fame has spawned
similar designs, even by the same designers, which can be bought
for a fraction of the price, leaving money for an upgrade which
will see her adequately prepared for the ocean. Generally older
wooden boats, a surprising number will have had one owner who
has looked after her like a baby. Such owners are no longer
young, find their boat a bit of a handful, and consider they
have had their moneys worth. If you find such a boat, you are
likely to have found a rewarding friendship as well as a bargain.
I wouldn’t shop for one unless you know and love classic
wooden boats, or you will surely resent the attention she requires.

Laurent Giles ‘Normandy’
Class 28ft, Pitch Pine on Oak , Volvo, New rig 2001. £10,500
- Seaworthy & adequate, you need one that’s been loved
like this.
But before we charge off
to hunt for secondhand boats, lets think a bit more about what
we are looking for. Aa a description “a middle-size cheap
ocean yacht” isn’t enough, you may waste a lot of
time looking at boats which, because of their intrinsic design,
will never be more than Coasters. And you’ll see many
clapped-out ones.
The fact is that one can enjoy a boat in or near sheltered conditions
for a price that most wage earners can manage, but if you wish
to travel to other lands, the wind is not quite so free. Plenty
of cheap boats will sail well in a seaway, there is no doubt
about that, but “Ocean Ready:” means you have looked
squarely at the worst that can happen, and believe your boat
will be capable after it. Discounting carelessness, most lives
are lost at sea by lack of the right equipment, and people lack
the right equipment because they go despite the fact that they
cant afford it. They think they can replace it with luck and
bravado. The sea may let this stupidity by for years, but in
the end it will have its say. Anyone who has been in a goodly
storm will have had the bravado knocked right out of them, and
realise that there is only one level of preparedness for the
ocean, one hundred percent. One hundred percent readiness of
equipment generates the confidence needed, confidence that is
so necessary since a good ocean boat is stronger than its crew.
Proper ocean boats are found floating weeks after the crew has
been choppered off, convinced the ship was doomed. Proper ocean
boats stay afloat in storms that have torn certified liferafts
to bits. (this happened to several in the 1998 Sydney Hobart
race, and leads me to believe that a correctly prepared boat
should be its own liferaft and lifeboat, and need never be abandoned)
The money problem cant be beaten, but it can be beaten down
to a manageable size. Just as climbers dream of Everest, sailors
dream of the Atlantic, no matter what their budget. And man
being an inventive creature, he has found ways to safely do
the job on a wage. This is what we are interested in. To be
safe at sea you need four things. Each must be covered, but
when you look at them closely you’ll see that with commonsense
they can be provided without ridiculous expense. You’ll
an ultra strong skin
that can be completely sealed against the elements.
a way to stay afloat
and survive if the first fails.
a way to let help
know where you are if the first fails.
Obviously there are far
more elements to a sea boat than these, such as sustenance and
propulsion, but these are the basics you need for survival in
the hostile enviroment of the sea, and if these three are attended
to all else can flow from them and succeed, if not, don’t
To provide this list you
don’t need a big boat. The notion that you need a big
boat to be safe is so far wrong as to be ridiculous. You need
a strong boat that keeps the water on one side, and you dry
and comfortable on the other. Comfortable so you are not making
errors through exhaustion. Dry so you can get comfortable. The
best way have a dry boat is to have an area that deliberately
isn’t. Here you divest your wet gear and enter the dry
sector of the boat. A good way to fit a shower in a boat, for
those among us who insist on one, is to enter the cabin through
it. And a good way to stay dry and afloat is to replace your
companion way with a sealing door or hatch. Not as convenient,
but in the end it may save your ship. The single greatest cause
of the Fastnet sinkages was found to be failing washboards and
companionways in the myriad knockdowns and rollovers. “Designers
take note”, thundered the Investigating Committee, gallantly
solving the problem without actually taking prisoners or insisting
on anything. The only people Struggling Designers do take note
of are the Moneyed Cruising World at large, who need to get
their cuppa swiftly, and find such safe hatch arrangements “Too
damned inconvenient”. Who can blame them, it happened
in a race, and they don’t go racing. Therefore it can’t
happen to them, QED. Quite Easily Dead.
A bigger boat is generally
faster, but there the advantage to the dollar-strapped sailor
ends. To provide a comfortable motion an ocean boat should be
relatively hefty for its length, not necessarily long. Nevertheless
it should be at least 20 feet on the waterline, and.3 tons or
more, or it wont generate the momentum necessary to punch on
in heavier conditions. Light boats accelerate fast, sure, but
they also come to a halt easily. Besides, you need that much
size just to carry your food and water.
A small boat of ocean scantlings
is inherently stronger. We all know the ant and elephant theory,
and we’ve all seen a cat walk away from fall that would
cripple a horse. In the 1998 Sydney Hobart a fine strong old
64 foot cutter was flung down a wave and broken. A half scale
identical boat may well have averted this tragedy – because
at 1/8 the momentum and ¼ the scantling she would have
been better equipped to handle an impact over less than a quarter
the area. Why less than a quarter the area when she is half
as long and half as wide? Because water slides around the edges
of things, and it’s the large central area the water cant
get out of the way of that causes the death slap. A very low
windage low freeboard small yacht may barely have had an impact
area in this situation, it may have dipped under 6 feet and
bobbed back. There is a world of difference in stopping in 6
feet and stopping dead.
The lack of space in a
small boat means more careful stowage, which means no heavy
missiles in a rollover. It is harder to be hurt in a cabin in
which you can brace yourself against several structures simultaneously.
No one in a small boat ever had a stove fall through a skylight
when rolled. And speaking of rollovers your 29er is able to
achieve full self righting (180 degree stability) off a moderate
draught of 5 to 6 feet.. Most commercial 40 footers have but
120 degrees of righting, and one popular model only 105. I wouldn’t
take such a boat out of Harbour, and marketing it as a sea boat
constitutes criminal negligence in my book. Smaller cruisers
fit into hurricane holes where larger yachts must put to sea.
Smaller boats can be careened on the beach – one is more
intimately acquainted with the state of ones bottom and can
even pick up one of the knots you lose on your shorter waterline.
All in all small boats are mind over lack of matter, strapped
into the bunk of a well designed near-thirty footer one can
survive all and more than a yacht twice your size. Smaller boats
are easy to get back on if you fall off. Smaller boats encourage
people to think of safety issues, where as many who purchase
a big yacht feel that their impressive WLL is enough. It isn’t.
As we said a longer waterline
means more speed in a displacement yacht design, but the rate
of cost increase so far outstrips the speed that you wind up
paying, staring from a 25 footer on a 22 foot waterline, 4 times
as much as for each successive knot. Don’t believe me?
A Folkboat costs 21000 English pounds new and will cruise at
5.8 knots off the wind, many would say more. The design has
many circumnavigations to her credit. The price is from a late
2003 issue of Classic boat. The latest Yachting World (or the
latest in Australia – they are delivered by Folkboat!)
has a test of the “Kay Cottee” 56 which shows Velocity
Prediction Polars of which give this 21-tonner a cruising speed
of a bit over 8, pretty handsome. Its figures are compared with
3 other similar boats, the four averaging 700 thousand finest
English pounds, an incomprehensible amount at over 33 times
the cost of the Folkboat. Lets go smaller, the new Cornish Crabber
30, beautiful little cruiser, 100k quid and a knot faster than
your base Folkboat. To guarantee 2 knots faster you’ll
need a 42er, and that’s 16 times the price.

25ft Folkboat 1964 –
2000 9 hp Yanmar – Intrepid.
This one 5000 English pounds
The speed advantage is even less on passage because
in the Doldrums the larger yacht doesn’t get her advantage
at all, she slats about drifting at the same speed as you. In
fact she may be left behind as your middle sized cruiser of
5 or 8 tons is squarely in the range where she can be pushed
along effectively in such a calm by a diesel that runs at one
third to a half a gallon an hour. Carry a decent fuel tank in
lieu of some lead, and you can motor through calms leaving bigger
yachts cursing in your wake. Your bigger boats wont be carrying
the fuel they need to motor at will. The four 56 footers we
mentioned use 8-10 times the fuel of a 30 footer. The 56ers’
average 120 hp motors and prop pitch are set to run best near
half power (close to full torque) as is your small setup, but
a lot more water has to be shoved a lot further to clear their
beam and “make passage” if you like. Half power
in them is 4 gallons an hour and they can motor expensively
for but 2-3 days on factory tankage. However they prefer to
save fuel for manoeuvring their ungainly bulk around anchorages
you can sail off. They cant fend or hand off too well either!
Motorsailing as a method of taking a smaller
boat massive distances has yet to be properly explored in yacht
design, but when your middle size yacht can motor on not much
more fluid and less cost than the than what the crew consumes
standing still, you ought to be looking at losing a little dross
and fitting a lot more tankage. You’ll have space for
it, you don’t need as many berths – mention a long
passage and your crew will scatter. So all you need do is balance
it, and this can be done by carrying fuel and water in smaller
flexible tanks in a honeycomb of spots through your boat.
Diesel stinks, so carry it aft and water forward,
consume them at the same rate and balance up with seawater.
The diesel need never go forrd of the companionway. Sounds easy?
Its not that simple but you have plenty of time to fiddle about,
and at least you can see how you are doing at trim from your
waterline, without falling off.
Sailing is not about haste, so purchasing a yacht should not
be either. Remember its a buyers market, but the camera is often
kind. If you think you’ve missed a bargain, pretend to
yourself it was ratty. It’s likely to be true! Next month,
yak a bit more of other ways of getting on the water without
financial horror, and lets go window shopping and see what we
can get.
See ya later,
Jeff Gilbert

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