The Maxi Mac is a slightly
enlarged version of the solo Mini Mac drift boat. It has the advantages
and features of the Mini but will handle up to three adults with
gear. The Maxi is only 18 inches longer and at 125 pounds for
the lightweight version its still easy to cartop. The increased
width and depth of the Max provide almost double the volume of
the Mini and a considerable safety feature in rough water, and
is our most popular boat.

The center console provides adjustable
seating, storage and flotation compartments, and is also an ideal
location for a motor well. Traditional drift boat seating may
also be installed over the console, and the seats can be made
removable for the best of both layouts.

A motor well in the console locates a motor safely and efficiently
inside the hull with easy access to motor controls, and even the
smallest of gas or electric motors will push the hull efficiently.
A motorized version provides the ability to launch at the "put-in",
repeatedly motor upstream and drift back down, without the need
for a shuttle vehicle at a separate "take-out" location.
Various interior layouts are possible depending on the needs
of the builder. Versions have been built with thicker topsides
and structural seats instead of compartments, and some boats used
in whitewater have completely compartmentalized interiors with
self-bailing footwells.

PRE-CUT KITS and CUSTOM BOATS to various stages of completion
are also available at various times for the Maxi-Mac, Montana
Guideboat, Montana Pram and Rowing Dory designs. Each kit is custom
assembled to ensure that it suits the needs of the builder.

Want to buy the plans?
Building plans include over 40 pages of sketches, photos, sources,
builders tips and discussion of many options to customize the
boat. Plans are written in a step-by-step conversational style
similar to our building seminars.
Send $33.00, check or money order to:
Paul Butler
PO Box 1917
Port Angeles WA 98362
Questions? Email Paul at
or visit the website:
