Time to Get Nuts Again
by Richard Frye
Hi Chuck,
I couldn't stand it anymore and figured it was
time to get crazy again. It was 55 degrees and this is Feb.
28th in SW PA! No shit! It was absolutely gorgeous today.
A friend of mine came over and wanted to try out
the little skinboat. She's building a Li'l Kate like me. She
would try out two different boats that she had never been in
as well as different paddle lengths and get some experience
as well. The good ole Stealth and the little 12 foot skinboat
I covered with ballistic nylon and 2 part urethane I got from
Corey Freedman from his skinboat
school in Anacortes, Washington are the boats I
chose for this excursion.

The main thing was... that I had to see how my
little dog Monkey would do in a boat since he'll be with me
this year on trips......or I was hoping he would anyway. Monkey
is a 6 pound cockapoo that thinks he's a 110 pound Rottwieller!
All I can say is that he did damn good! A real boat dog! Even
the geese flying up from the deep south didn't bother him. Actually
I was the one that was bothered about them damn geese.....and
ya'll know... I hate damn geese! I didn't have the ole .22 with
me but will next time for sure!

Today was a great start on curing the cabin fever
that's had me down fer several months. I got within 30 feet
of 6 of them damn birds and Monkey didn't even raise an eyebrow........which
showed me right then and there that he ain't going to be worffa
shit for goose hunting! He could give a flying flip less about
them damn geese!
Anyway, the 2 mile trip up into the lake was extremely
pleasant and if felt great to get out and do some paddling.
I went ahead of Tillie and broke some ice with the Stealth.
Now that is fun! You hear all this horrid crunching and wonder
if you are reliving that dreadful day back in 1912.........the
Titantic......you know!

Then I yelled at her to bring the skinboat into
the ice. Almost in an instant I could hear her bitching under
her breath....sound carries a long way on water you know! Monkey
must have sensed her bitching too and started growling when
she was at least 50 yards away...and he didn't stop for 5 full
minutes! He don't like bitching women! Smart dog.....I'd say!
Now .....she did ........I'd say cause she's about as damn crazy
as I am.........reluctantly bring the skinboat through the sharp
broken ice. The boat kinda bounced off the slabs and smaller
pieces just got easily pushed out of the way.

When we got back I drug the skinboat across a
gravel flat and then across a sand bar and landed her right
hard into a sand bar a couple of times. Now yall are probably
wondering...Now why in hell did he do something as stupid as
that! Well for one thing I wanted to see if this stuff is as
tough as it is made out to be...........and believe me it is!
This is some very tough shit! This is Corey's own product that
he and his father came up with. It's also very resilient! The
little boat bounced off snags like they were nothing! From now
on this is the product I'll be using. Corey also is a master
skinboat builder and has some of the most beautiful traditional
skin-on-frame boats you've ever laid your eyes on! Awwight.....back
to the story.

Tillie...you know... being a retired science teacher
and all had to examine the ice as you can see in the picture
above. Now... she wants to build a little skinboat when she
finishes her canoe! She loves to fish too but just getting into
the paddling and boat building part of being nuts! In all we
paddled about 6 miles and had a great time. Monkey is on the
bed asleep..........hummmmmm.....think I'll go join him.....I'm
pooped! Wonder if he's dreaming about geese.........I doubt
it! But....... I'll probably start having those recurring nightmares
again............It's that time of the year again you know!
Maybe Monkey is dreaming about fish!............See ya'll on
de water! Richard