Homebuilt Mini-cat
by Adrián
Hy chuck, i find your page very
helpful for amateur builders. I live in Argentina and am making
a little cat, L.O.A 5 meters, beam 3.3 meters, designed by me,
in the James Wharram style. My boat is called "Piojoso",
the little bug of the hair, you know? The first and big feature
is the very low price. The entire boat is made from 6mm plywood,
and the frames are made whith 10 mm plywood.
I have a web page whith a lot
of pictures. The adress is
Here are some of the pictures with the captions translated into
This week, I will buy polyester
resin and the necessary glass cloth for the hulls. Then I will
send you pictures of that part of the process. As I don't speak
english very well, some of the terms used are not the correct
ones, please correct them.
Adrián Callejón

The three main pieces of the hull, bottom and laterals, ready
to mount.

Beginning to mount the hull, tying the plywood with thick thread
adjusting it to the main frame.

Marcela, my wife, adjusting the main frame to the bottom with

Myself ready with the thread to begin to hold the other lateral
of the hull.

My daughter Lucía and me, drilling the holes for the
screws to fix the port cabin lateral.

The two hulls together. The port hull has the openings cut for
the cabin windows.

My son Juan and I testing the interior of the starboard hull
for comfort with the roof in place.

Cabin of the finished starboard hull, in the picture you can
see the entrance scuttle.

My small assistant Juan, cleaning the hull roof.

Preparing the support structure for the stern deck on the port

Support structure for the stern deck of the port hull ready
to cover with plywood.

The two hulls seen from the roof of my house, a wonderful view.

Interior of the port hull with all the
frames and reinforcements.