I am currently wrapping up construction of Jim Michalak's
I have modified it to use both with a trolling motor and a sail.
I know the boat was not designed to do these things, but it is
so nice looking I thought I would try. For extra strength I increased
the thickness of the forms and left two of them in place instead
of pulling them out.

Instead of the specified bresthook, mine extends
to the bulkhead forming the passenger area. This is to support
the mast. The foot of the mast I made up of 2x material and relief
cut to control the bottom of the mast. I also left in the rear
most bulkhead and joined it to the transom with a 3/4" plywood
strong back to handle a motor for trolling.

The wales I increased from the 3/4" specified
to 1" and then added 2x material to the inside of the passenger
compartment fastened to the wales. This is to give me a place
to fasten both seats and leeboards. As the original design called
for air compartments fore and aft for floatation I am using 2lb
foam instead as the forward compartment also contains the mast.
The rear most compartment is also being foam filled
while I will have storage in the compartment right behind the
passenger compartment. Sure hope it all works! If not, wellllll,
it kept me off the streets and out of the wife's hair during the
