Editor's Note: This is an experiment to see, first if you want to watch clips like this, and second to see if anyone besides Thomas has under 1Meg clips they would like to show. Let me know if you have strong feelings one way or the other. |
Here are a couple video clips, scaled back to around 1 meg each. Requires Quicktime.
"SailingFun" is a video clip of my first outing with the Mixer. Very exciting! The clip shows me and a friend coming about (not especially smoothly, but it was my first time sailing!). Hope you don't mind the large file.

"ComingIn" is me at the helm - please ignore the horrible luff wrinkles! My dad's head pops up at the end of the clip - he was doing his best as ballast.

"WIDLIO" - When In Doubt, Let It Out - Seeing myself sail has been very educational. This clip shows us creeping along. I knew something wasn't quite right, so I let the sail out a bit and the boat heels and begins to take off. Shortly after the end of the clip the boat rounded up and the sail began to luff.
Obviously, I was pinching a bit. But, it was my first time sailing, afterall!
I decided not to send you the clip of my first jibe - very ugly - sheets in the water - boom swinging wildly!