From the Drawing Board |
John Welsford - Hamilton - New Zealand
A “Virtual“
Thomas Hamernik had
been a member of my builders
group for quite a while, dropping the
occasional question or answer into the discussions
that go one there. Its been nice to have him, and
as time went on the questions gradually became more
specific to a type of design, and type of use.
from the aft quarter. The interior is
in blue and the cockpit in red, you can
see how the main cabin settees extend
under the cockpit seats to give full bunk
images to enlarge) |
He was interested
in a trailerable cruiser that would suit his family,
one that could be left on a mooring, that would be
within trailerable beam for his state, that would
not overextend his tow vehicle and a whole lot of
other parameters.
sitting in the cockpit with his hand on
a virtual tiller. That oval under his legs
is the outboard motor powerhead. |
We began a discussion off forum that began on the
Scout design that I have in progress, but went on
to consider the well established Penguin
design which has a lot more interior space plus which
includes a separate galley and heads, almost full
standing headroom and a huge double bed in its own
out in the double bed, plenty of space
here. The white triangle up in the bow
is the anchor well where the anchor and
warp stay to keep the wet and mud out
of the living space.
To see just what this space would feel like Tom drew
the boat's outline on his driveway. Here are some
pics of what a “Virtual“ Penguin looks
like when chalked out on the driveway.
the quarterberth this time, you can see
that there is room to sit at the galley
by Toms head and cook up breakfast while
the crew are still abed. |
It’s a good idea, and seems to have done the
trick for all members of the Hamernik family. He’s
bought the plans; watch this space for more pics as
the chalk lines gradually turn into reality.
on the bucket. This compartment is large
enough for a shy person to have a sponge
bath, and the equivalent compartment on
the other side of the centercase is where
the galley is housed, a folding table
on the top of the centercase makes a formal
dinner possible.
John Welsford

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