By Bob Throne - Willow
Grove, Pennsylvania - USA |
Steve Bosquette is the builder of a Bolger Sneakeasy
“Katie” (and eight other boats!) and organizer
of the Eastern Messabout at Kingston, N.Y. June 15
- 17. Over the last year and a half, in spite of dozens
of email exchanges and hours on the internet, particularly
Duckworks, I had never met another boat builder or
seen a home-built boat in person. That was set right
in delightful fashion two nights ago when I drove
over to the state launch in Croyden on the Delaware
River, just north of Philadelphia. Steve had invited
me and just after 6 pm this is what I saw as I arrived.
Steve &
“Katie” await |
With a warm handshake and a gentle shove off the
pier we were away. Steve built “Katie”
about five years ago, enjoyed her for a couple of
years but then sold her … only to buy her back
a year later! After just a few minutes aboard I could
see why. In addition to her distinctive sleek lines,
she carries her 27’ length and 4’ beam
with ease and grace. A 15 hp motor eased us out into
the ½ mile wide Delaware and we cruised up
river at 3 or 4 knots with a steadiness that belies
that big flat bottom. Not once did she pound nor rock,
even crossing a few one and two foot wakes.
Katie's long bow. |

I was so absorbed with getting to know Steve and
peppering him with new builders questions that I immediately
took the boats steady performance for granted. Steve
told me she’s been in really heavy seas and
performed well. After these several years she certainly
looks great and made for a delightful evening.
The Burlington
Bridge |
The Delaware is still tidal up here and Steve had
come up from his mooring in Rancocas on the NJ side
in about ½ hour, on the latter part of high
tide. We went further north, up under the PA/NJ Turnpike
bridge, then under the Burlington Bridge, passing
the park and marina in Burlington on the NJ side.
We then swung around Burlington Island and back down
on the PA side.
Below Burlington
Island |

The moveable seats allowed us to sit side by side,
8 feet forward of the motor, and converse easily.
The conversation was greatly reassuring and equally
friendly. Coming back Steve gave me the wheel and
Katie was just plain easy to handle .. just keep an
eye out for the occasional floating branch, angle
in to any passing wake, and enjoy a beautiful evening
on the water.
Katie is so
looooong. |
Steve took the helm to swing her back in to the
channel and pier. .. she takes a fair radius to come
around. The hour and a half on the water was so absorbing
that I only took a dozen pictures.
Katie is just plain
easy to handle |

The evening was just the shot in the arm I needed
for the final push to complete Wanderer. Steve is
coming by after work next week to cast an experienced
eye on my effort. Turns out he works not 3 miles form
my home. And more outings are in the offing .. on
both boats.
Steve and "Katie",
ready to head home. |
Bob Throne
