By Duckworks Readers
- all over the place |
to all!

Sailing tip: If you can see pigs the water is
very shallow. Proceed with caution.
Michael Storer Boat Design
Wooden Boat Plans
P52 Progress
Its been a month since I started on the boat and
its not done yet - But progress continues. Hull weighed
about 110# with berth flats in place and bottom glassed/graphited,
final boat probably going to be 300-350# range. There's
a surprising amount of room 'below', thought it would
feel really tight and be hard to finish but sat in
place and think it will work OK. Lots yet to do probably
won't get into water til end of January, brr. Plenty
of time before the Everglades Challenge.
Skip Johnson |
Now For Something
Completely Different

Click image for larger view
Here is something a bit different. It is my sternwheeler
which is a modified commercial hull with a lot of
homebuilding built right in. If you are interested
or think your readers might be interested in something
a little different I will write up and photograph
our overnight cruise which is due in Feb,2007. This
consist of my son, me and a 26 mile roundtrip ( at
4mph), overnight stay on the water, and resturant
visit in the depths of winter.
Great fun!
Float safe,
Curtis Pack
Leon,WV |
When Balsa
Goes BAD
Here are a few pics of what I'm doing now. The stuff
works great until it gets wet, then it's horrible.
I've never dealt with a tougher core material. I'll
be going along with a putty knife, just scraping the
bad stuff out and then will hit some viable core and
it takes a chisel and hammer. The previous owner had
never heard the word caulk. You probably noticed the
only bad spots are where the net was tied on, with
screw attachments or where the Beckson inspection
ports are located.
I'm working on my 31' daily---going well to this
point--been digging, grinding and sanding, fitting
foam core, epoxying in place then glassing the whole
mess until smooth. I'm sure you know the process.
It's time consuming, but easy work.
Lee Martin |
Fall Sail

We are having a mild Fall back here on the mid-Atlantic.
Got in a nice sail on Thanksgiving weekend, a friend
on the shore was nice enough to take a photo. Hope
to get in a couple more sails in Dec.
Steve Earley
This boat has been designed for the 2006 Woodenboat
design contest, so far they are still evaluating the
Flavio Faloci |
Chunk Box
I call it a Chunk Box - after the fine meals it is
sure to produce - but really it is a Chuck Box. I
think they carried something like this on the wagons
a while back. Still need the untensil drawer and a
pull out drawer in the middle for canned stuff. This
was an experiment - pretty sure I can make one that
is 15 lbs lighter by eliminating internal bracing
and using hardwood legs instead of 2x4s. This one
is a bit bulky for carrying on a boat - but it will
work fine in the back of a pickup and sure will take
all the disorganization out of a camp kitchen!
Larry Pullon |
Barrett &
Just saw the article
about Yuko and thought you might make
use of these pics, or at least like to see them. I
took them at the Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival.
It really is a beautifully built boat.
Gary Lepak |
My Latest Boat
Not quite done yet, but getting close. This will
be a present for my grandson. A couple of pictures
are attached.
Merry Christmas, y'all!
Al Meyer
The Happy Adventure
The pictures are of (a) The happy Adventure tied
up at Carleton University In beautiful downtown Ottawa
this summer and (b) the home made bug screenand roof
for the forward deck -- we love it, the bugs don't.
regards Paul McLellan |
San Diego Mess
It's a modern art museum in La Jolla..... so.......
I'm not qualified to comment .... Bruce Armstrong |
Clearly a Bolger
I always liked the idea of a water going van like
the one Phil Bolger designed (picture above). But
I like this Russian idea, pictured below, even better.....
no trailer required and it even has a cabin top that
is open down the centre... clearly a Bolger influence.:^)
Jack Panter
St Pierre Dory

I am building a 26' St. Pierre Dory using the Glen-L
design that will be electric powered. This is the
second one I am building. I built a 24' version 10
years ago (see photo) and then decided to upgrade!
Tom Hruby |
The Brig Niagra
I work as a volunteer on the Brig Niagara. It is
a square rig Brig with a 123 foot hull and 32 foot
beam. Here is a shot taken during a day sail, with
40 "sailors", 16 of whom are paid professionals.
Any healthy student can spend 3 weeks training on
her during summer. Good meals, NO hot water, no privacy!
You can learn more about the Battle of Lake Erie
on the web...
John Baker |