I am finally getting around to organizing the photos. It was a good meet and the wind was better than years past. |
It was great to see Chris Ostlind and his wife, also Kellan Hatch, his boys and his new rig for the Texas 200. There were not as many boats in attendance as there have been in years past. Dewitt Smith brought his Frankenstein skiff; |
Kellan the inflatable and a Mouse boat; |
John Dennison brought his Hobie Island. |
Steve Case and I brought 2 Pickle variations, and Jim Thayer came with his Nina of course as well as Mr. Moser's Spartina from Colorado. Both pickles came from Jim's inventory of unfinished hulls up in Colbrand, Colorado. He took the design from an 11 foot sailing Whitehull, part of Mystic Seaport's collection. Never sold many, I think it's one of Jim's prettiest hulls. |
I finished mine in the style of a Melonseed. She sails great, can fit 2 adults in a pinch. I intended her for teaching the kids to sail in. The sail rig has 3 - 8 foot cedar spars that are light and stow inside the cockpit and under the deck, enabling it to be rowed comfortably. |
The deck is 3/4 inch redwood strips over 1/8th inch marine plywood. The whole thing is quite light so that it can be cartopped if desired. |
Steve choose to raise the freeboard about 3 inches, and add a jib. I didn't get really good photos, because he was camped a little farther from the group. I might put together an article, "A Tale of Two Pickles"... if I can get a few more good shots of his boat. |
The occasion also marked Jim and Janice Thayer's 50th Wedding anniversary. Dewitt felt a trophy was in order so he made one up - it is a beauty. Lots of good food, drink, and discussion in attendance as well. We took a moon light row in the Nina to disperse part of Jack Hicks' ashes. He was very fond of the Starvation meets. |
I'm not sure if I'll bring the pickle to Lake Powell. It's not ment to carry much gear. If Wil was a bit more proficient at sailing, we might try it. He had his first sail, at the helm himself, with a bit of instruction from me. I think he's hooked. The boat is very forgiving. |
Chris and his wife took it out on a brisk run. As did Dwight, Ron Roberts and Steve Thayer. |
Well, we're off to Port Townsend Sat after work. Hope all goes well for the Texas 200, I'm looking forward to the picts already.
Tom |