The criteria for suitable boats are that you usually cannot have a separate trailer. The plan is to roofrack or maybe have the boat on top of the camper trailer. The boat must be light, cheap and easy to put together. It must be low maintenance for long periods left beside a tent when camping or around the back of the caravan.

These can all be met extremely well by wooden boats. Traditionally wooden boats would have been the worst choice. But now for remote area fishing, or bass fishing or estuary fishing the small wooden boat can be by far the most cost effective way of getting on the water.

One example is that it's possible to set up a $20,000 rig for bass fishing with outboard and electric trolling motor to sneak up on little spots. But a Storer designed Quick Canoe can use the same trolling motor to travel at 5 to 7mph - for a boat materials cost of a couple of hundred dollars and a trolling motor cost of another couple of hundred. I will let you guess which boat will be used more and won't break the bank if it sits unused for half the year. Just the time saved queueing at launch ramps waiting for the other fishermen to get on their way so you can launch as well.

Less time fussing and more time fishing.
There are other boats suitable for cartopping or van topping that will cost a bit more or a bit less and meet a number of needs including going faster and getting further afield on the hunt for a good fishing spot.

The modern wooden boat is easy to build, low maintenance etc etc