I got back into boatbuilding in the 1990s with an Acorn Dinghy (Oughtred) and a Catbird 21 (stretched version of Stambaugh's Catbird 18).
In 2005 I went back to small powerboats with a Glen-L Tunnel Mite, and also embarked on a long-defered dream of boat racing. Wanting a more serious racing boat, I designed my own tunnel boat the following year with the assistance of software from Aero Marine Research.
I now offer four designs, two tunnels and two v-bottoms.
I am not a conventional boat designer, not a naval architect. I design a boat, build it, test it and race it in APBA-sanctioned races. Then I offer the plans for sale. I do not sell blueprints or full-size drawings, but digital files delivered by email ready for printing on regular printer paper. Full building instructions are available online, and can be viewed in full before plans are purchased.
All my designs fill a void that had existed in the plans market. I have sold plans around the world - most sales outside the US have gone to Australia.