That is my boat, and that's me. My poor goose has disintegrated now. The panels I used for the ends definitely weren't made with waterproof glue. I didn't manage to keep them sealed well and since the boat was stored outside they delaminated.

This picture is from Raft the Rio and my wife was a good sport since that was our anniversary cruise! I don't think that's the kind of cruise she wanted for our anniversary.
Paul Cook
Here's some fun I'm having with Jim's Blobster and Fatcat2 plans.

The important thing about this is the software. I'm using Cubify design. Only $199 compared to $4000 for Solidworks. It's a rewrap of Alibre. Apparently 3d printing is mainstream enough people are demanding low cost solid modeling. This is a very capable little package. Unfortunately, you can't do section views on the drawings but you can pull these dimensions out of solid model.
Russell Canoe

Here's my latest latest, a willow ribbed Hilary Russell canoe. I Hope to get it launched before end of this year.
Steve Chambers

Your 2014 event desk calendars can now be ordered at Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the order form. We are still awaiting some details on scheduled events, so our new target delivery date is Dec. 30. All profits after expenses go to good boat-related causes. Details are on the order page. I hope that many will support these efforts. This will be the fifth year for the PDR calendars, and the first for the PolySail Calendars. Cost is $15 and includes shipping. We will include an email of the print version of our plans and construction guide for our Redneck Duck design PDR with any order.
Dave Gray
Oracle Team USA's Incredible Comeback to Defend the America's Cup
By R. Steve Tsuchiya, Diane Swintal and Robert Kamins,
The Startling Comeback Story That Stunned the Racing Community - as the World Looked On.
Sailors have always viewed the America's Cup as a hot-bed of design and technology improvements, curious about the trickle-down effect in boats and sailing tactics for future racers or recreational sailors. It many respects it is the Formula One of Sailing. The America's Cup also stands out as the pinnacle of racing-a Sailor's World Series, or World Cup, a meeting of the best international sailors on the latest boats. One never knows quite what the Cup will bring.
The 2013 Cup, held in San Francisco Bay, near shore for the first time for millions to view, did not disappoint. The cutting-edge boats, known as AC72s, were a new class of catamarans designed with hard, wingsails that had never been seen by most viewers. But it wasn't just the viewers who were surprised by the boats. Extreme design decisions made just months before the boats were launched meant helmsmen and crew alike were figuring out how to sail the boats at the same time that they were formulating racing tactics and crew assignments. It was a cup like no other.
WINGING IT: Oracle Team USA's Incredible Comeback to Defend the America's Cup (International Marine / McGraw-Hill; December, 2013; PB, $24.00), written by a team of journalists who covered the Cup in detail, explores the design decisions that led to the AC72s, whose wingsails were thought to be the boats' distinguishing and revolutionary attributes.
Rend Lake Messabout
Anyone interested in reserving a campsite for the annual Rend Lake Messabout can now do so. This year's event will be held on June 6th and 7th, 2014. Held at the North Sandusky Campground, Ringneck Loop, on Rend Lake. Always a super fun time! There's a stand-alone Yahoo group for communications around this event.
Calendar is Out!

Reports are the proof copy was fine.
Thanks David R LaFontaine and special guest star David Graybeal, Photographers and Goatees.
I love the cover! Anyone doing panoramic shots would be in with a chance for next year.
They are claiming that everything is on sale, not sure how far it goes, but maybe for shop items too.
For those who spend $50 there is a discount code for free shipping in some areas - "SHIPNOW".
Feedback here about any discounts that you get.
And don't forget there's a coffee mug with this year's calendar photo on it.
And here is the Calendar Coffee Mug.
Previous calendars are also available here and have previous year's photos with next year's calendars.
MIK Storer
TX 200 Article
The replies I have gotten for my TX 200 Article for Duckworks are totally awesome! I have laughed and learned and enjoyed reading them, so I know that the DW readers will also.
If you have sailed in the TX 200 any year and have not gotten an email questionnaire from me yet, please email me at or thru either of these forums and I will send you one. I am hoping to to get more than one article from this info and it is so helpful.
Thanks, Jackie Monies