Does your boat talk?
Every wondered how to develop the panels for a boat without resorting to fancy software, or the rather (seems to be) difficult method of conic development?
Scroll down the "boat" section. Simple, elegant.
Of course, hulls will do this for you, but if you have a paper plan, and don't want to enter all the sections, this might be faster.
Tom |
None of us may ever sail this fast, but it's a great video and beautifully shot.
Outfitting a Small Cruiser for Voyaging. First one is free, next ten are free as well; but you need to sign up.
Another great video.
Found these videos on youtube (where else?). What a life this man has! Enjoy. They are relevant because they show boat construction/building.
John |
There are still builders of steel boats in Louisiana. The most famous Louisiana builder of wooden boats would probably be Higgins.
I am giving my 7-year-old daughter boat building lessons. She said to me last night as she was staring at me, "I like the way your face looks when you are really concentrating." I thought it was an interesting observation. To her, I am the greatest craftsman in the world.
Jed |
Interesting youtube video showing how much flex even a big cargo ship has in heavy seas.
Big ships need to be a bit flexible. Of course little boats can flex a bit
too. Here's an example from a 1914 magazine!
Youtube of azorean whaleboats racing in the ocean.
A well made and informative 16 minute video of the Bridlington sailing
coble THREE BROTHERS on youtube. The coble is 101 years old, has been well restored, and is still
active off Bridlington, Yorkshire. A nice video.
My friend David Nichols is going to be teaching an online boat building course in conjunction with Fyne Boats in Great Britain. This is bleeding edge stuff as David will be conducting the live and interactive course from his home in Texas for students all over the world. The course will be taught in real time and he will be able to supervise each student individually via internet video. Here is the link to the sign-up page. This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone wanting to build a Fyne boat.
Chuck Leinweber
Kayak companies make it easy to get caught speeding. Read this if you're a regular offender, or even just an occasional speeder!
I just saw this wonderful film on Irish boatbuilder Jimmy Furey, and the Shannon one design. Posted by Gavin Atkin on his blog.
This week Duckworks established a facebook group - please join us.
Mike John
U-Boat Worx C-Explorer 5: A Five-Person Submersible For All Your Rich People Deep Sea Exploration Needs.
Sealander: Swimming Caravan Traverses Land & Water Alike.
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