Made a pair of oars recently to Ross' plans. Hung them under side decks with rubber door seal on hull for protection. Rowlocks stored inverted & held by s/s steel spring clips that will also be used to secure them when rowing, same as by Paul Hernes. Stitched on some thick leather where the rowlocks will be. Made shaft thickness at that point so that the rowlocks are a tight fit to eliminate the need for buttons.

I should add here that I achieved this by forcing the rowlocks onto the oar leather while it was still wet. When dry, the indentation locates the oar. Crude but effective & I will oil them with neats foot oil before use. Did the same some years ago when I made a similar but shorter pair for my Alby. They worked very well.
Maslow CNC
A cool tool for any boat shop that uses CAD. Now there is no reason to have an expensive CNC router sitting around just to cut stations.
Mold Cutting With CNC

Here's a few photos of CNC station molds and vaka stripped in Douglas Fir - what I had lying around in the shop.
Aluminium Leeboard Bracket

Here's very robust and solid aluminium leeboard bracket, thickness of all surfaces 11/16", vertical surface 5x3 11/16", horiz surface 4 3/16" x 3 13/16". Accepts threaded rod
(silicon bronze for leeboard pivot) measuring 3/8". Will take anything you can dish out assuming you have an appropriate thwart well mounted across your gunwales or cockpit coaming.
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