An Update |
Hi Chuck,
You wrote me back in December when I was just thinking about this. Here’s an interesting email: Eric Light
Hi Eric,
I just wanted to let you know that the post about your building project is now up on smalltrimarans --
Great project ... thanks very much for sharing it with us ... please update me as soon as the boat goes into the water ... I'd love to do a follow up about it.
Warm Regards,
A Successful Event |
Hello FBW2016 sponsors.
I'm happy to report that the Family Boatbuilding Weekend was a resounding success. 9 our of 9 boats that were assembled were sailing by the third day. We have finally gotten the formula right to make this happen the way that we want it to.

The Cebuanos are also very enthusiastic on expanding on what we have started, and there have been talks that some of the groups that participated are interested in building more boats and sailing them on a regular basis. your company logos will be visible whenever races or sailing clinics are held in or around Cebu and Mactan :)
I cannot thank you guys enough for helping make sure of the event's success.
we are currently working on a post event feature article that we will release to media, we will all mention you guys there of course.
Revisions Made |
Hi Chuck,
I have made some small revisions to the CPB-2016 plans. Nothing major, but I would like you to replace the version you have with this one, dated 5-15-2016. I also would like you to post the following update notice on the Duckworks Magazine, if possible, as a way of informing potential builders of the improved features.
"The CPB-2016 was designed to be a simple to construct Coroplast utility hull, capable of loads up to 220 pounds. When folded for transport it should fit in almost any vehicle, being as small as 4' x 2.5' x 6" thick. The beauty of the design is that it is all folds, with no cuts in the material. This produces a totally sealed, unsinkable hull. The fact that it weighs only 15 pounds, makes it ideal for young and old alike. It paddles easily, and there is even room for a small pet on board.

The plans also define a trolling motor powered version, as well as a Canoe option. Both detailed on the plans. So you see, it has many options to satisfy a variety of small boat needs. However, it doesn't stop there. There are also a couple of concept drawings shown, for those that might be interested in modifying an already useful design, and make it even more personal. One is the enclosure of the hull for greater water protection, and the other is a Sailboat version, which many have requested. Neither of these are detailed, but are shown to scale. If there is further interest, I will complete the design for future builds. Needless to say, I am somewhat obsessed with Coroplast construction. It is easy to work with, affordable, tough, and produces hull shapes that are both functional and good looking. Although some aspects of the boats might be considered unconventional, the portability and lightweight features of the designs speak for themselves. Over the past 2 to 3 years, many of my Coroplast boats have been constructed. This includes builders in places like Australia, Germany, Spain, Brazil, and of course the USA. As always, I am very open to contributor ideas for future designs, Coroplast or otherwise."
Ken Simpson |
Video from Mystic Seaport |
Hi Chuck,
Good morning, I'm excited to let you know that we have launched a brand new Mystic Seaport video today, "150 Years of Fishing History: Emma C. Berry at Mystic Seaport." Take a look at our tribute video to the historic Emma C. Berry on her 150th anniversary this year.
Here is the video:
We also have a great infographic to share with you today and figured you might find it interesting.
Let us know what you think! Thanks so much,
Connor |
OCH Video |
Last summer, shortly after I boarded the schooner MARTHA for a cruise in the San Juan Islands, I got this message from Carol Hasse:
"I trust you've found yourself in
heaven in the company of angels."
So true, but while MARTHA’s speed and good looks surely are heavenly, it’s the way her crew and the Port Townsend community work together to make so many beautiful things happen that reminds one of angels.
I cannot imagine a more valuable experience on the water, for anyone at any age, than shipping aboard the schooner MARTHA for one of her cruises.
The Schooner MARTHA
Making Something Beautiful Happen
What kind of Trees? |
Think of what Paul Kettenburg said: "If GOD wanted plastic boats, he would of made plastic trees". Years ago I sailed a Kettenburg-38 in lots of races. I have always thought that was very close to the perfect boat! I think everybody needs to sail that boat at least once in their lifetime? Sure would give them a good idea how a real boat should sail.
Happy, Sailing,
Capt.Tony |
Thanks |
Thanks for mention the DUO 480 C from Mikkey and the DUO 660 from Esteban. I did not dare to bother you with it, so I posted it on the Duckworks Facebook entries.
I was thinkering about a boat for myself. The result is not a catamaran and not a proa. I attach a rendering from the contraption. If it does not work no big deal. It is only 4m long and will weight around 70 kg. I will go to Holland Wednesday to build there with a client who became a friend. The material there is half the cost here in France.

But the main reason I write you is the following letter which came out of the blue and made my day. And I realised again why I make these plans. It is for a big part the satisfaction to make people happy. By the way, he is building a Little Tri.
Bernd Kohler
Greetings Bernd,
I was born in Dordrecht and live .. now 50 years in America, Vancouver, Washington.
I am the harbor master of The Vancouver Sailing Club.
One of our members, Keven Cote is about to build a boat to your design.
He first converted to inches and then built a model and now he is
ready to build ...
I liked it enough to email you with a few photos of the boat.
Cordial greetings,
Priest Lake, Idaho --- HOWL AT THE MOON CRUISE -- 18-21 July 2016 |
This is probably going to come as no surprise. We’ve already scheduled a couple group cruises based on the probability of rain in the Puget Sound region. Earlier, one was styled after a smorgasbord of launching ramps. Another, this coming September. that kicks off with breakfast in a hardware store, and an old-tractor show. Yet another, was a recent effort to reach an obscure general store to purchase ice cream cones. And, now the latest. Observing the rise of the full moon, in July. Each in its own right, a somewhat unique excuse to tow your boat to someplace new, and to go sailing with old friends and new acquaintances.
For four days right smack dab in the middle of July, we are going to sail and beach camp the pristine waters of what’s known as the Crown Jewel of Idaho lakes. In addition to all the “usual suspects,” we are going to be on a special mission. So synchronize watches, check your gear, and listen-up. Keep a sharp lookout, and follow me!
All hands will report of AJ’s Café in Beautiful Downtown Priest River, Idaho. 0900, 18 July 2016. Like all special missions involving a bit of adventure, you will follow the leader—and keep tabs on your buddy. Our first objective is to be anchored in THE spot to observe that big ol’ summer moon to rise directly behind iconic Chimney Rock high upon the Selkirk Mountain ridgeline. And, I know just the spot!
This is what chimney Rock looks like to eagles, mountain climbers, and such. |
And, from that spot—at lake level--I’m referring to. |
Other parts of this special mission, that I am able to divulge at this time, involve an attempt to transit the legendary thorofare that connects the main lake with Upper Priest. Be on the lookout for moose! And, close up that line. I want no stragglers. Well, OK. Sure. We can stop and take a hike, take a nap, go fishing, or do ab-so-lut-ley nothing. Just as long as you salute, now and then…
Once inside the channel, things get quiet and the forest begins to close in. |
The water is so clear you can see every fish, rock and sunken log. |
There are excellent beach camping sots on the upper lake—completely away from civilization. And, no I don’t have any pictures of the wind blowing up there. Believe me! It does.
I’m not at liberty to completely release all the details prior to rendezvous. But you will have the time of your life. And, that’s an order…
We’ll have you back to the launch ramp in plenty of time on Thursday to make it home. That is, if you ever want to go home after you complete this special mission, to go, and, to howl at the moon!
Sign up with Dan Rogers: ( ) I’d appreciate knowing your email, boat description, cell phone number, and generally what you are interested in doing/accomplishing while we are out on our special mission. |
Department of Nostalgia |
Here is another of Herb's wonderful catalog scans:

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