Come to the 2005
Sucia Small Boat Rendezvous!

Some of the small craft from the 2004 rendezvous.
(John Kohnen photo - click to enlarge)
On the weekend of July 9 & 10, 2005, small boat
enthusiasts will be gathering at Sucia Island State Park in the
U.S. San Juan Islands. The purpose of the rendezvous is to meet
other small boaters and their families and enjoy a relaxed weekend
messing around with boats.
There are no restrictions on boats or materials. Last year, about
half the boats were wood and half were fibreglass, some were homebuilt
and some were production boats.
For more information, go to https://members.shaw.ca/jamie.orr/
or email Jamie
Orr - You can also reach him at:
3332 Painter Road,
Victoria BC, V9C 2H9
Phone 250 478 5338
I just happened upon those photos on a web site:
My link was from here: https://volokh.com/

Apparently there is fakery involved:
Peter Vanderwaart |
Hi, Chuck and Sandra. A belated happy
new year.
This fall, I found out that the canoe described in my book
and that I built 16 years ago is still going strong. No leaks,
no touch-ups. The photographs were made last fall.
During the winter the canoe was stored under the
porch. Going now in its 12th year above life expectancy. Not bad
for a $200 job. I boasted about it on the sailing-canoes
group of Yahoo.
Sheers and chines. Barend
Just picked this up off the net -
these folks are on a sailboat doing a circumnavigation - they
were anchored off Phi Phi Don - an island in Thailand - and have
some very interesting pictures of the first wave from the viewpoint
of off shore.
Some interesting first person accounts also, but no "disaster
victims" pictures like we've seen on the news.
Leo Hill
5th January : tomorrow for me in Norway,
maybe today in America ! And I had to write about the Norwegian
lifeboat URÆD which beached in Glouchester, near Boston,
exactly one hundred years ago! My documentation is from many articles
from the Ålesund newspaper Sunnmørsposten. Anyway,
just a word for the centennial, it is better than nothing.
7th August, 1904, Ole Brude left Ålesund, which was in
reconstruction, mainly in Jugendstyl or Art Nouveau (with massive
help from Wilhem der Zwei and Germany), after a terrible burning
in January, with 3 courageous friends: Iver Thoresen, Lars Martin
Salthammer and Karl Thomas Hagevik Johansen. Some days before
their departure, the 27th July, the "Norge", a Norwegian
immigrant ship on the way to America, hit the lonely rock Rockall,
losing 600 of the 738 on board. The boat was pushed on the shore
in Gloucester after many days of winter storms, and the crew was
very tired and their friendship wounded. (In 1960, the boat was
still parked outside in an American shipyard, but I cannot find
this article!)
This tragedy, with so many losing their lives at sea, got Ole
Brude thinking about a little lifeboat which could be installed
on each merchant ship without a problem. The Brudeegget, "captain
Brudes Egg", was an 18 foot long egg-shaped prototype of
a sailing lifeboat built by Ole Brude (24) who wished to test
her and also win a million francs at the World Exposition in Saint-Louis,
a sum he needed to start an industrial production and save several
lives with this model he dreamed to see on all the merchant ships.
Twenty models of a 14 feet long Brudeegget were built in Bergen
after this trip. For many reasons, it was not a success-story.
Brude lived in Minnesota in his youth, and died in Washington
State in 1949. He never married, and had no children. Two sisters,
Clarice Staff and Dorothy Brugge, came to Ålesund from Minnesota
in August 2004 to open the exposition about the odyssey of their
grandfather's cousin. I read this morning in Sunnmorsposten (the
paper in Alesund), that a group led by the writer Ole Ellefsen
is actually in Gloucester (north of Boston) for the 100th year
of the beaching. They will meet the lord mayor (?) John Bell,
and a Brudes fan in Gloucester, Peter Wolfskehl.
"URÆD" is a new book (December) written by Ole
M. Ellefsen, edited by Ålesund Museum. 172 pages with a
lot of illustrations. A sister ship is sailing in Ålesund,
built recently in aluminum by the local society UNDERTUN.
I have not the book, I have never seen the new model, and I cannot
send a picture of the boat, because I know nothing about the internet
system, and my son, a specialist self-skilled, is on the way to
Phuket (Thailand) with a group of Swedish friends. My son's girlfriend's
brother, Bjorn, was out at sea on the morning of the tsunami,
leading a group of divers when the waves came, and they felt them,
but without problem. The wave killed many of his friends living
in the village and his restaurant was destroyed. And do you know
where Bjorn was on 11th September 2001? In his flat (high) in
Manhattan where he also had a restaurant which was closed not
so long after, but he is proud for his food and drink-supply to
the firemen in action.
Duckworks magazine needs a better journalist than me, but I am
just starting my American career.!
Yves le Scour
N 6230 Sykkylven (Norway)

A self-starter in the real estate market saved!
They found this guy
off shore in the Indian Ocean fifteen days after the Tsunami.
Not bad
for mid-ocean boat building! - Bruce Armstrong

A large cat just motoring away from anchorage
off Thailand as Tsunami has just passed underneath.
Chris Ostlind
If you have a minute to look at Fishyfish, there is a real pretty
that was just added. If you haven't seen it, it as at:

Most of the builders at the Tolman Yahoo group think
that is a pretty good example of a Tolman Jumbo. You can tease
Ward and tell him his readers are expecting similar.
Frank Talbot |
To whom it may concern:
I am looking for an Australian vessel called ‘Blue Laguna’
or ‘Blue Lagooner’. It supposedly is a ketch but now
it could be a schooner.
She is roughly 38 – 45 ft, she is totally wooden all over,
has 2 wooden masts, a bowsprit, roughly 6 brass portholes along
the hull in a blue stripe that runs the whole length of the hull.
She was in excellent condition and is roughly 40 to 60 years old.
The cabin is a creamy colour and besides the blue stripe in the
hull the rest of the vessel is white.
The name is on the stern with ‘Australia’ written
I am pretty positive the name is ‘Blue Laguna’ or
‘Blue Lagooner’ but I could be wrong & she could
have a name change by now in time. I am 100% positive the vessel
has Australia written on the stern. The stern goes in on a 45
degree angle.
I am looking for help in finding this vessel or anyone or any
company / business that has come into contact with this vessel
at anytime either 50 years ago or today.
This vessel has been kept in an excellent condition right up
until it was last seen in New Zealand waters in January 1998.
I need the help of yachting experts/ builders that have great
knowledge on wooden ketches & schooners, as this vessel is
an Australian vintage beauty but sadly part of a New Zealand tragedy
involving 2 missing New Zealanders.
I am researching / investigating this crime and I urgently need
the help of some Australians that may know of this vessel or could
help out some way.
If you can’t help with any knowledge even just telling
your colleagues and friends as this vessel has been around for
40 to 60 years. Some-one must know of this vessel some-where at
some-time some-how.
I’m pretty sure this vessel could have been used in illegal
activities in the late 1990’s.

rigging and rope designs could be removed nowdays.
Who I am: I am party to a team of professionals seeking information
regarding an unsolved crime and you have my complete assurance
that my inquiry is legitimate regards to my research.
If there is any information you can impart to me it will be greatly
appreciated. If you have any knowledge at all on this vessel we
will acknowledge ourselves to you in due course.
As a part of this investigation any information you give me and
how I receive it will be strictly confidential and will be treated
in a professional manner at all times.
Thanks for reading this,
Kind Regards
nicole_jonesmajor_@hotmail.com |

OK, where are the fair weather whiners now? In looking
at this guy, you can see why the Vikings were such studs on the
high seas. It's his mental image of what works. He's sold on the
potential of his life, not his limitations.
Chris Ostlind
https://www.webbo.dyndns.org/sailing/winter/ |
Now this is the ticket if you want
to retire and cruise the nation's byways. Look at their other
vehicles while you're there
Chris Ostlind
://www.terrawind.com/terrawind.htm |
By Paul Oman
copyright 12/04
Epoxies tend to form a brittle, plastic like mass. This is good
for boatbuilding and many repair projects - people want rigid
boats and solid repairs. But in some situations where there is
sudden shock, movement, flexing, or large amounts of expansion
and contraction, a flexible coating can mean the difference between
a coating failure (cracking or 'popping' off) and a successful
project. This problem is best illustrated with wood and epoxy.
Wood expands and contracts with moisture content while epoxy and
most other materials expand and contract with temperature. Put
epoxy on one side of a piece of wood in a damp environment and
the two materials could be fighting each other..... Another example,
giant metal water tanks. One day they are full of tons and tons
of water and the next they are empty with air temperatures inside
the tank of over 100 degrees. That can mean lots of 'movement'
(expansion and contraction) on the sides of the tank - it needs
a coating that can 'move' with the metal.
By their nature epoxies are brittle. Some epoxies are more brittle
than others and flexibilizers and plastizers can be added to epoxies
to improve their flexibility. Generally hard brittle surfaces
have the best abrasion resistance while more flexible surfaces
have better impact (or shock) resistance.
I do crude flex testing in two ways. I make small cubes or cylinders
of epoxy and hit them with hammer or squeeze them in a vise. The
really brittle ones turn to dust or break into a great many pieces.
Less brittle ones will break into 2 or 3 or so pieces. I also
apply the epoxy to a sheet of wax paper and let it cure. I then
peel the epoxy off the wax paper and bend it. At some point it
will snap and break. Note that epoxies many feel cured in a day
or so, but take days (a week or longer) to fully cure so don't
perform these tests right away. Give it a week or so before testing.
Ditto for adhesion - you can probably pull off your epoxy/fiberglass
repair the next day - don't! Give it time to bond....
For boatbuilding you want a rigid epoxy, but still not super
brittle (our old Basic No Blush Version 1 was too brittle) that
that is 'shatters' upon impact. Epoxy paints are about the same.
Some give is nice but not too much. In other cases, such as the
examples listed above, a lot of give is needed to prevent failure.
In some cases a very rigid epoxy repair putty is a good thing,
in other cases one with more give, sort of like a 'silicon caulking'
is better.
Solvents such as acetone and MEK are often added to epoxies for
several reasons: to extend pot life, lower viscosity (especially
if spraying the epoxy), improve epoxy penetration (such as into
wood - i.e. making a penetrating epoxy). Certainly some of the
the solvent evaporates away but a lot of it gets trapped in the
epoxy matrix. The end result is that solvent thinned epoxies tend
to cure into a rubber (or at least flexible) state. Experts warn
that over time (months or years) the solvents may finally work
their way out of the epoxy and the epoxy may regain its brittleness.
I have never been organized enough to test this (and I suppose
temperature makes a big difference too as would the thickness
of the epoxy).
We also sell a very unique product called TA 661 which will add
flex to an epoxy. TA 661 feels like baby oil and is non evaporating.
We sell it as a slow acting cleaner (solventless solvent????)
for removing uncured epoxy or semi cured epoxy from tools etc.
If troweling down epoxy/sand deck surfaces, it keeps the epoxy
from sticking to the trowel. It will also blister and lift dried
varnish and enamel paint (overnight or in a day or so). Anyway,
a tiny amount of it mixed into an epoxy will also give it plenty
of flex.
Note the most epoxies in general have a flex ('elongation') of
about 4-8%.....
Our Coal Tar epoxy, like most coal tar epoxies, has an elongation
in the range of 20-30%. Although still common, coal tar epoxies
have fallen out of favor. Coat tar epoxy can be hard to recoat
after it has weathered, it is smelly, and there are health concerns
over the coal tar additive.
Our CM 15 epoxy is a general purpose epoxy paint with lots of
flex, ideal for boat decks and wood surfaces. Also a really long
pot life.
Our Crack Coat epoxy is also unique. We formulated it to fix
leaks in cool, damp basement walls and floors. It is a bit too
thick to brush on but certainly too thin to be called a putty.
It is perhaps more of a gel. Anyway, thickeners can be added to
it to make it more putty like without messing up its flexibility.
It also works well as a bedding compound or caulking compound
on dry or submerged surfaces.
As already mentioned above, our TA 661 is a convenient additive
for adding some flex to any epoxy product.
Our 621 Epoxy Adhesive, which we have on clearance (11/26/04
- we are selling out, only small amounts left in stock - not a
fast moving product) - has the most amount of flex (about 100%)
and was designed originally for joints in concrete floors. It
sort of looks and acts like Elmer's glue.
Liquid Co-polymer Rubber paint - The next generation of coatings,
this a snowy white mat/satin rubber paint that actually sticks
to wax paper and retains all the movement of the wax paper. Originally
was designed as a roof sealer. Color white only.
Co-polymer Rubber Deck - the same co-polymer as above, but with
rubber grit in it for a professional looking, completely flexible,
non-skid surface. White only.
It's winter here in the Northeast! - boatbuilders should use our
LTC 38 low temperature marine resin for winter projects. Contractors
use our Corro Coat FC 2100 FAST for outdoor projects. Our '10
minute underwater' epoxy paste, Quick Fix 2300, has 'normal' potlife
and working times when used in cold weather.
PAUL OMAN Progressive Epoxy Polymers, Inc.
Frog Pond Hollow - 48 Wildwood Dr
Pittsfield NH 03263
10-4 Monday-Thur EST 603-435-7199
sign-up for free email newsletter! |
USCG Auxiliary Asks America's
to Make Two New Year's Resolutions
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is asking boaters to make a pair
of New Year's resolutions.
"The first of these is simple and is the most important
thing you can do on a boat that may save lives," says Dean
Payne, Commander of Flotilla 37, which serves the Mississippi
Gulf Coast.
That first resolution is "I promise never to get underway
before everyone onboard has on a properly fastened lifejacket."
Statistics prove that those on a boat are eight times more likely
to live and be rescued if they fall overboard and have on a lifejacket
compared to those that are not wearing a personal flotation device.
Payne says the second resolution is also simple and can save
time, embarassment and money. It is a pledge to get a free courtesy
vessel examination in 2005.
The Coast Guard Auxiliary does free vessel examinations to insure
boats are in compliance with all federal and state regulations.
"This could save you money as some insurance companies will
give you a discount on your insurance if your boat has passed
a Vessel Safety Check," explains Payne.
"It could also save you time in finding out what is required
for equipment on your boat and the embarrassment of being stopped
without having the proper equipment onboard."
The Auxiliary every year conducts more than 100,000 Vessel Safety
Checks in the United States. More information about Vessel Safety
Checks can be found on the internet at www.safetyseal.net or by
contacting one's local Flotilla, which can be found by either
visiting the USCG Auxiliary at www.cgaux.org or by contacting
the nearest Coast Guard unit.
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is composed of uniformed,
non-military volunteer civilians who assist the Coast Guard in
all of its varied missions, except for military and direct law
enforcement. These men and women can be found on the nation's
waterways, in the air, in classrooms and on the dock, performing
Maritime Domain Awareness patrols, safety patrols, vessel safety
checks and public education.
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary was founded in 1939 by
an Act of Congress as the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve and re-designated
as the Auxiliary in 1941. Its 35,000 members donate millions of
hours annually in support of Coast Guard missions.