Navigator Update - Part 4 |
By Robert Powick - New Zealand |
1 - Part
2 - Part
3 - Part
Dear Chuck,
It was good to finally see you in your Christmas message after our emails etc.
Anyway after a few delays for Work and family I am able to send you some more updated photos of the progress.
I was able to spend 3 days camping at the Beach between Christmas & New Year and there is nothing like watching others launch their boats while you sit on shore to encourage you back into the building programme.
Note that in one picture you will see that my small handsaw broke it's handle which was a nuisanse but it still cut good, though I have to use a pair of Gardening gloves to hold it.Such is life!!!!
After too many distractions ie: Work etc I have managed to resume the really important tasks...BOATBUILDING!!!
Anyway please find some attached photos of progress made......I have finally got the Keelson and 20x20's glued and screwed to the bottom panel. I am now intending to start attaching frames so will be able to see a BOAT shape begin to appear. I picked up the 20x40's, 100x20 Keelson and 20x50's from the local sawmill on my Suzuki Swift as you can see...took my time on the trip home and never saw any police to bother me!!!
Thats all for now so will send more later.

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