Release & Photos on Admiral Dingy
Hello, Chuck Leinweber:
Remember Admiral Dingy? The man who built the 9-foot/11-inch
boat with which he planned to circumnavigate the world?
Well--an update on him is attached to this e-mail--complete
with a press release and a couple of publicity stills,
just in case you would like to review and subsequently
share with your readers.
Please be advised that on Saturday, March 31st, Admiral
Dingy made his public debut at SEASPACE in Houston--and
was quite a hit with the public. He enjoyed pre-Event
publicity via the FOX Network affiliate in Houston
(KRIV-TV). He was interviewed by news insert host,
Lanny Griffith during the morning news show, which
aired between 5 AM and 9 AM on Friday,March 30th.
If you would like to watch Lanny's interview with
Admiral Dingy, Click HERE.
HOUSTON, TEXAS. . .William Shakespeare
once wrote, “All the world’s a stage…”.
Dingy (whose real name is Daryl Colinot), is one man
who has taken the Bard’s adage to heart by leaving
the stages that Hollywood offered him in the past
to devote his time and energy to prepare to set sail
onto the world’s ocean stage and to prove that
indeed Shakespeare was right. After all, keep in mind
that neither Hollywood, nor its stages existed at
the time when Shakespeare wrote his famous quote.
But the oceans did exist back then; and have existed
until modern-day, alongside Shakespeare’s famous
Unlike those who have sought fame and fortune by
packing their bags, along with their hopes and dreams
to head toward Hollywood and stardom, Admiral Dingy—a
former resident of Hollywood-- has done quite the
opposite. The former dancer, film actor and film lab
owner has packed his bags along with his hopes and
dreams and has headed away from the reel world and
has headed into the real world to cast himself into
a real-life role of a lifetime atop the world’s
ocean stage.
And that role is about to begin.
Every boat has a home port, and the home port of
the 65-year-old Admiral’s Dinghy is Hollywood.
Poised to begin the first leg of a 14-leg world-circumnavigating
Voyage, the sea-action adventurer will also be attempting
to set a Guinness World Record for solo-circumnavigating
the smallest boat around the world to date. His “set”
on the world ocean stage, will be his one-of-a kind
9-foot/11-inch boat which he designed and built to
survive on the savage seas. It took him six (6) years
to build. “And she is strong!” he says.
“Her construction is fiberglass-layered, with
woven-roved cloth, and matt.” For flotation
and insulation, he is relying on six-inch closed-cell-foam—which
is yet another building block of his custom-crafted,
ocean-going Dinghy.
The Dinghy’s sail, which he also built himself,
is a Chinese junk rig--a style that dates back 2,000
years. He chose its type, he says for its ease to
handle. The Dinghy’s worldwide circumnavigating
cruise will be powered by two (2) twenty-four (24)-volt
electric motors built especially for use in salt water
and continuous run; as well as by three solar panels,
plus a wind generator and a motion generator.
His wardrobe will include a survival suit, along
with an array of 15th Century sailing regalia, which
he also, unlike Hollywood hopefuls, designed and tailored
himself. In fact, he purchased the fabric and sewing
supplies at local fabric stores in Louisiana and Texas,
and tailored his suits without the aid of a clothing
Sewing he did by hand and on a portable sewing machine.
The script for his role-of-a-lifetime, will consist
of 14-legs (or installments), to be performed atop
the world’s ocean stage and about which he comments,
“Now, this role that I have cast myself in can
be considered more like a treatment than anything.”
(Treatment is a term used in the television and
motion picture industries which refers to a preliminary
outline of a film or teleplay, laying out the key
scenes, characters and locales). The Admiral continues,
“It will be reality-based—and with Mother
Nature co-starring, as well as assuming the role of
self-appointed set decorator throughout all 14 legs
or installments of my Voyage, my ocean stage and action
is liable to change from being a calm and serene scene
at sea one moment, to being a thunderous and life-threatening
fight for survival scene in the middle of a savage
sea the next. It will be Mother Nature’s call
every time. What happens from moment to moment will
be revealed to me and to my audience at the same time—so
they will want to stay tuned!”
Following the first leg of his Voyage--the USA (a
trailer-sail Cruise), he will continue with Leg #2
of his Voyage by circumnavigating Galveston Bay, and
the Gulf of Mexico. Then he will trailer-sail west
across Mexico, heading onto and across the Pacific
Ocean toward Tahiti, Australia, Japan, China, the
Indian Ocean and Africa. The Red Sea will follow,
along with cruises around Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain
and Gibraltar. A final leg on the Atlantic Ocean will
allow him to cruise onto Miami’s shore, which
he has penciled in as the final destination to complete
his around-the-world voyage.

The Admiral is also generating his own audience
with the establishment of Admiral Dingy’s Nautical
Mile Trackers’ Club whose card-carrying members
will be entitled to play an active role throughout
his worldwide Voyage via Nautical Mile Sponsorships.
Club member/sponsors will not only be able to keep
track of the sea adventurer’s whereabouts, but
they will also have as much access to him as possible
via the Internet as he cruises along. To join Admiral
Dingy’s Nautical Mile Trackers’ Club,
visit his website at
Prior to and in between his departure on the first
and second legs of his 14-leg Voyage, Admiral Dingy
will be available for personal appearances and speaking
engage-ments at group meetings, private parties and
public events. In addition to his entertaining personality,
he will offer updates on his voyage status, as well
as talks about the building of his Dinghy, the rescue
and emergency equipment that he will be relying upon
to assure his safety while at sea; and he will also
focus on the design and construction techniques that
he used in the tailoring of his 15th Century-style
And if William Shakespeare were still around today,
he would surely be applauding Admiral Dingy’s
accomplishments thus far; and would be eager to see
For personal appearance and speaking engagement
information and bookings, contact Admiral Dingy’s
land crew via the Speaking Engagements page online
For more information, please contact Nora
Gutierrez—Public Relations Counsel to Admiral
Dingy at (713) 377-2006.; or at