Littler Breton Update Part 2
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
I just visited the Duckworks Magazine and saw
the start of my article
on the cradle. I’m sending you the three photos I did
today of the first four planks installed. At this point the
planks are held only with epoxy. Due to the narrow beveled lands,
I’ve decided not to rivet the planks together however
I still intend to use rivets to hold the steamed ash ribs in
place when I get to that point.
Thanks for your enthusiasm for my project.
Dave Richards

I'm sending a shot I made today showing the clamps
in use. I now have the third and fourth planks installed on
the cradle and these clamps are working out great. I covered
the jaws with packing tape to keep from gluing them to the boat.

Saturday I got the 5th and 6th planks made and
installed. These were a challenge because even my plank nippers
wouldn't hold due to the fairly steep angle between the planks.
Had I been just a couple of Watts brighter, I would have cut
the middle out of the moulds before setting them up so I could
get a grip with the clamps.
As it turned out, I screwed a small block to each frame under
the seam. One screw allowed the block to pivot to the needed
angle. Then I used plastic spring clamps to clamp the nippers
to the moulds. This made it quite simple to clamp up the epoxied
planks. All I had to do was slip the plank into the already
positioned clamps and tighten them. I did have to break down
and use a screw to hold the planks at each end to hold the hood
ends to the transoms. The screws are removed and the holes will
be filled. I guess since the outside of the planks will be painted,
using screws is of little consequence.
Two more planks to go and then it will be on to the detail work.
I'm planning to make sheer rails of laminated walnut. I intend
to laminate them in place while the boat is still on the frame.
I'll run a strip of plastic tape along the sheer strake before
laminating the rails so I can remove them for finishing purposes.
I'm also planning on some sort of floors to support
the mattress. My plan is to cut a piece of hardboard and a piece
of foam to fit. Then I'll wrap them in some sort of water repellent