At the end of March each year, the guys in the
Wellington area get together and run a Classic Boat
regatta at Plimmerton on the western coast of that
fair city. I'd been down there a couple of times and
got to know boatbuilder and motor camp proprietor
Peter Murtons. He is a passionate restorer of old
boats, has a workshop that many envy and a view over
the harbour from where he has his lunch in the dining
room of his home nearby. Here is his website URL:
- well worth a look and I can tell you that the long
slim open launch called “No Catchem“ with
its vintage single cylinder Simplex engine is a superb
boat from which to follow the sailing boats around
the course.
Approaching the jetty after an invigorating sail
in gusty conditions, 5 heavy guys and everybody
comfortable. Charlie Whipple (under the light
coloured hat) tells me that she is an easy boat
to sail but even with htis load aboard she was
"really moving along). By the way thats a
in the background. - Owen Sinclair Photo
If you go and stay in the simple but comfortable
cabins (about half an hour from Wellington International
Airport, good place to stay on the way in or on the
way out if you are an overseas visitor to NZ) you
might just be able to persuade Pete to take you out
for a turn around the bay.
This is a comfortable sort of boat, the rig does
not intrude apon the cockpit space much and between
the flared bow and wide decks she keeps her crew
very dry. - Peter Murtons Photo |

About that time I had an enquiry from Pat Quin who
lives close by the yacht club there, and who had been
watching the growing fleet of Navigators
and Houdinis
sailing there. Wanting something a little bigger he
asked Peter to build him one of my 6M
Whalers with the object of joining in
the fun.
A lovely shot
taken late in the afternoon, the skipper determined
to make the most of a near perfect breeze. -
Peter Murtons Photo |
A year or so later there was a launching and some
sea trials, the rig being one that I had drawn to
give the boat a bit more performance than the original
training rig had not been tried before and much to
my embarrassment had less helm effect than I had expected
so had to be moved aft a little to get the balance
right. That done she sails very nicely with a very
light helm, carries five or six heavyweight adults
in comfort and gets along very well.
on by!" That little single luff spinnaker
pulls like a draft horse and together with the
modern high aspect ratio gaff rig gives her the
power that makes her a surprisingly quick boat.
- Peter Murtons Photo |

My friend Charlie Whipple went to Plimmerton for
this years regatta, and took the opportunity to go
sailing in her, and as an experienced small boat cruiser
I was very interested in his opinion.
“Lots of space, really comfortable! A very
gentle sail, but she gets right along” Fair
enough, that’s about what I was designing for.
Final fitting
out in builder Peter Murtons shop. You can see
the internal outboard motor mount, a hint of
the interior structure and a shape that says
"get me out on the water". - Peter
Murtons Photo
Nice boat, well done Pat and Pete, nice work. I won't
be missing next years Plimmerton Yacht Club Classic
Boat Regatta. (last weekend in March, don’t
John Welsford,

Columns by John Welsford