Here's a collection of photos from a
boating trip undertaken by my friend, Kellan Hatch
with my latest design/build project, the new XCR
sailing canoe/trimaran just last weekend
at Lake Powell in southern Utah.
He split his time between sailing and motoring and
found the boat to be comfortable and wonderfully dialed-in
for the application.
Naturally, I'm pretty darn pleased.
Chris Ostlind |
A Tortoise
and a Stripper
I'm working, albeit slowly, on a cedar
strip kayak. I've got strips milled and forms assembled
but it's just too bloomin' hot here in the summer
to do much work outside! Hopefully, I'll make more
progress over the fall/winter months.
I also built a little Bolger Tortoise
just for messin' about and I'm toying with the idea
of a Michalak AF3 for some time in the future. A couple
of pics are attached.
Oh well. Back to the daily grind... (but dreaming
of the sea.)
All the best
Port Townsend
Dear Chuck:
Went up to the Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival
to see what other plywood boat builders were up to.
Saw a lot of nice boats and workmanship. I was even
recognized by a couple people; and even if the vast
majority of people there didn't know who I was, they
knew Duckworks Magazine very well.
I did see one boat design that peaked my interest,
and it was a VERY traditional boat. The owner said
it was a copy of an old style European work boat;
and I believe he said the designer was Neal Anderthal.
Warren Messer
Red Barn Boats |
new game ...watch for it ....:^)

Submitted by Jack P |
Here is what it is going on. When done
I'll send in pics and a description for the ezine.
It is a WRC strip planked dory.
Barry |
Moby Dink
I have been meaning to send these photos for some
time now. This Moby
Dink was built by my son and I.
Thank you,
Tony Fletcher
I am finishing my latest sailboat.
The boat is a plywood+fibreglass 21 footer of
my own design. Its on rather the heavy side
(for comfort rather than speed). The rig is
to be a balanced lug of about 180 ft sq + 50-60
ft sq jib to help in tight palces.
I made the mast - plywood box
+fibreglass. The main is based on the mainsail
design for San Francisco Bay Great Pelican =
a modified/simplified chinese sail with much
less complex running rigging - it seems to work.
My mainsail is to have three rigid battens that
are to be attached to the mast with simple loops
of line + yard + boom.
We are planning to use the boat
sailing on the Saint Lawrence towards Nova Scotia.
Attached are two photos of the boat on blocks.
Adam Zielinski |
Last Friday afternoon on the Mississippi.
Joyce and Murphy (our dog) are in the cabin.
Photo by Bill Dulin. Both boats overnighted near Hat
Island. Full moon that night.

Kilburn Adams
Hey Chuckie!
Am working on a 20 foot tandem version of my yellow
kayak. The hull is done and faired and tomorrow I
start working on the decks.
Making a homemade rudder for it becuase I'm too cheap
to buy one. Still need to figure out control pedals/foot
Installed the decks this evening, but still have
trimming and coamings to do. Then it is on to rudder
and hardware and then paint on the hull and varnish
on the deck.
I have been taking lots of photos and
will have you a write-up when done.
Expedition Mouse
Here are some photos of th efirst
completed boat build to my Expedition Mouse design.
I'm very chuffed!
I guess you will want a story?
Gavin Atkin
Aluminum Melt
Hey Chuck, I did my first aluminum
melt last weekend. Got some zinc in it and burned
out the bottom of the crucible, but got some ingots
done. My only real problem is that I was burning
too hot. Bronze here I come...
Here are a couple of pictures of
my Tolman Alsaka Skiff.
I am doing something different no
one has done before. I am going to install foam
along the gunnel's. Also I got the idea to build
a motor mount for a 140 hp out of plywood and carbon
cloth. I guess, I like to do things the hard way.
What boats have you built? With so many boats on
your site, I'm ashamed to say, I don't know which
ones are yours.
Thanks, Fletcher
Tuckahoe 10
Hey Chuck,
It took a while, but attached are some photos of my
Tuckahoe 10 with her Duckworks sail.
The sail is dandy, altho you can't tell much with
the light wind at the time of the photos.
Regards, Andy