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  • April Letters
  • The Early Voyagers - Stone Age
    Last year a team of archaeologists and others made a discovery that Archaeology Magazine calls one of the ten top discoveries of 2010. Bronze and Iron age to follow.

    Two Book Reviews
    Canoe and Kayak Building the Light and Easy Way and Instant Boatbuilding with Dynamite Payson.

    Mark Steeleā€™s Model Yacht Column
    Mark Steele on a wonderful world of small boats.

  • April Splash

  • A Boat Named Alice 4.2
    A 12 foot, 10 pound, folding kayak.

    Jagular Goes International - Part Two
    A Small Boat Cruising Primer for the Brave, Hardy, or Foolish continued...

    Jagular Goes International - Part One
    A Small Boat Cruising Primer for the Brave, Hardy, or Foolish

  • April Reports

  • Lazyjacks for a Balance Lug Sail
    Here is a short video demonstrating how lazyjacks are supposed to work - and how I eventually got them to work on a balance lugsail. [He looks familiar.]

    Modifying A Trolling Motor
    Propulsion for small boats can consist of paddles, oars, or at times some type of motor, either electric or gasoline powered, but I was building a Seaclipper 16.

    Enjoy Experimenting
    One of the great joys of owning a small sailing boat is the opportunity it provides for experimentation, particularly if you have a cruising boat rather than one belonging to a strict racing class.

  • April Treasure Chest

  • Scarf Cuts on the Table Saw
    David read on the Net about people getting hurt with table saws. I couldn't help but wonder if he had read some of my writings about what happened to me?

    Exploring Barend Migchelsen's Articles
    I was pleased to discover the nine articles that the late Barend Migchelsen wrote in 2001-2003 which discuss the mathematics used to define a boat's shape. Here's my take on it.

  • April Webwatch

  • A Trip in Canada - Part Three
    An interesting incident happened on the Tennessee River.

    Fast and Easy Boatbuilding Designs
    ...lets take away framing bevels, take away the amount of plywood parts to be cut, take away stitch and glue problems and get back to basics with good ol glue and nails.

    Using Epoxy Resin
    After reading a recent article in the January Treasure Chest on freezing epoxy resin for later re-use, it got me thinking of all the tips and tricks I have picked up over the years.

    Webwatch - Special Everglades Challenge Edition

    Building the Trilars Trimaran
    When I decided to build my current boat, I did not set out to build a trimaran, but rather I had some specific criteria that I wanted and needed to meet in a sailboat.

    SLACKTIDE's Sea Trials: Breaking in our T26x7: 2
    Sea trials for SLACKTIDE began in Sitka, in September, en route to Baranof WarmSprings for a winter care-taking job. This leg was reassuring in most respects, despite a daunting beginning!

    A Self Designed and Built Pirogue
    I live in an area where there are dozens of ponds and lakes within a half hour drive. My boats have to be easy to build in that they don't require expensive tools or a master craftsman's hand. So I designed my own.

    Why I Stick with Old-School Points Ignitions: Pt 2
    Max Wawrzyniak warns us that electronic ignition is not worth messing with. I knew he was right. Really! But you know how I am about these things.

